hdlbits Step one
Step one
Welcome to HDLBits!
Getting started in digital logic design can be overwhelming at first because you need to learn new concepts, a new Hardware Description Language (e.g., Verilog), several new software packages, and often an FPGA board, all at the same time. HDLBits provides a way to practice designing and debugging simple circuits with a single click of "Simulate".
Designing a circuit requires several steps: Writing HDL (Verilog) code, compiling the code to produce a circuit, then simulating the circuit and fixing bugs.
Writing Code
The easiest way to write your code is to do so in the code editor box below. For this problem, we have filled in most of the code for you already. Go ahead and finish the code for this circuit.
Click Simulate to compile and simulate your design.
Compiling (Logic Synthesis)
Your code is compiled using Altera Quartus to produce a circuit. Quartus produces a large number of messages. Click Show Quartus messages to show/hide them. It's good practice to reduce the number of warnings, but it is sometimes not practical to remove them all.
Your compiled circuit is simulated to test whether it functions correctly. HDLBits use ModelSim to simulate your circuit and our reference solution in parallel, then compares the outputs of the modules. The simulation reports back two things:
First, it reports whether your circuit matches the reference circuit exactly (zero "mismatches") or how many "mismatches" occurred. A mismatch is the number of samples where the output of your circuit does not match the reference output.
Second, it may produce timing diagrams that show your circuit outputs when running our test vectors. The simulation waveform is grouped into three sections: "Inputs", "Yours", and "Ref". In a correct circuit, "Your" outputs will be the same as the "Ref" outputs. The "Mismatch" signals tells you which samples have a mismatch.
The module name and port names of the top-level top_module must not be changed, or you will get a simulation error.
Final Status
If your circuit was correct, you will see Status: Success!. There are a few other possibilities:
- Compile Error — Circuit did not compile.
- Simulation Error — Circuit compiled successfully, but simulation did not complete.
- Incorrect — Circuit compiled and simulated, but the outputs did not match the reference.
- Success! — Circuit was correct
You can track or share your progress on the My Stats page.
Problem Statement
We're going to start with a small bit of HDL to get familiar with the interface used by HDLBits. Here's the description of the circuit you need to build for this exercise:
Build a circuit with no inputs and one output. That output should always drive 1 (or logic high).
Module Declaration
module top_module( output one );
We want to assign 1 to the output one.
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